dinsdag 5 juli 2011

my opinion about "my tattoo"

i LOVE tattoages, i have on to, one on my hip.
This is mine:

and i want a lot more, i also love piercing, like you see i have a "navel piercing" and i have a "tong piercing" . but whatever, this blog is going about TATTOAGES! ;) hihi.

i like the words "Momento Mori" and i understand what she mean  with it, You really have to live your life, and spent a lot of time with your family and friends... Because maybe tomorrow is your life over or you will lose a special person, and didn`t spent some time the last time with him/her. i had the same, i lost a friend when she was 14, some years ago. and since than i really MAKE something of my life. having a lot of fun with friends and spent a lot of time with family. of course there are things in live, what isn`t so "fun", like work and stuff. but without work, you don`t have some money. and without money, you can`t do some fun stuff with your family and friends, because in 2011 etc.... everything costs money. so make something of your work, having fun there with people...and DON`T forget to live ;) you live just for one time.

i really love this tattoage, maybe i want to have one like this one to. of course not the same, but just a "look a like" but first.... i want a tattoage of my parents... They are the most special persons in life, and they will be always in your life. They wil be ALWAYS your parents.....

Love, TrinaBNL

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