dinsdag 24 mei 2011

my opinion about "to the EMP Fotoshooting"

Hellow! :D
And what do you think about my blog? :)))

but anyway,,,,
Do you remember Ann-Kathrin`s first blog?
Yes? OK! i will give my opinion about it!

She told there that she will write that blog everytime in German! 
some people didn`t like that and didn`t saw the translator next to the post! But i think that was a really good idea! she is a good English speaker but, you will always be better in your own language!! :))
so, in this way we can understand her more, and she can say things better in her own words and stuff ;)
but i will do it in English, because i really have to work on that language and love to write in English, and still can't find that Google Translator that Trina used! HAHA! *a shamed*

but about the shooting, it was her third EMP shooting with some dark make-up and HUGE hair...
with photoshootings, i like dark make-up and "huge" hair.
it`s something that you didn`t have in your private life, when you just going out with friends or family. Because, than i like it when you are just naturel! and not with a lot of make-up. but i LOVE it when you have a shooting ;)

sorry people, i can`t get a picture in this blog post...
i really don`t why. that sucks! maybe i will put the picture later in another blog ;)

love, TrinaBNL

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