maandag 30 mei 2011

No pictures of the comet 2011

We can`t see some pictures of Ann-Kathrin at the comet. Because she forgot her camera :( but she said that she will make a pictures later of the clothes that she wear that night! really wanna see it ;) I will put that picture here later, or just check it out at

zaterdag 28 mei 2011

High heels

Hello Thereee!
We ALL know that Ann-Kathrin LOVE high heels.
And i`m that kind of girl to, haha!
Yesterday i bought really beautiful and high heels! but that later ;)
First i will show you all the high heels that Ann-Kathrin showd us in her fashion blog
( )

you can see that she love this kind of high heels :

my favorit high heel of her, that she showd us in her blog is the one that she wear at the Comet 2011. 

What`s your favorit one?

Love, TrinaBNL

ps. This are my new high heels that i bought yesterday!

what do you think?

vrijdag 27 mei 2011

Comet 2011

Tonight is the night of the Comet 2011,
Ann-Kathrin is going to the afterparty. and she askm us wish dresses we like the most for the party of tonight!
i have one BIG favorit dress. i really hope that she will wear this dress:

i really love white dresses, but i can`t wear  it because of my little white skin. and i`m not that skinny to wear white dresses, give me just black ;) haha....
but i think it will be SO beautiful if Ann-Kathrin wearing it!
her body is so beautiful, she have a nice little brown skin. and i think it will be look AWESOME with the high heels that she is gonna wear!

I hope we can see some pictures of her tonight. Than i will show the pictures here! Exited what she is gonna wear. wish dress was your favorit?

love, TrinaBNL

donderdag 26 mei 2011


In 6 days it`s JUNEE!
so, that means we can hear Ann-Kathrin`s second single in some DAYS! 
We didn`t know the exact date of the upcoming single, but we heard some weeks or months ago that we will hear her second single in june!!! 
so, that can be about 6 days, but it can be to about 3 weeks, because it`s still june than ;)
I`m really exited, i loved her first song "This is me" but i think this new song will be a lot better!
and i heard that we can see a music video of that new song to!
but of course that takes some time to ;)

Are you exited? 
Do you think this new song will be better than "This is me" ?


love, TrinaBNL

woensdag 25 mei 2011

my favorit clothes of Ann-Kathin

so, a new blog before i have to go to my work ;)

I know that you all have seen the blog of Ann-Kathrin,
( )
and there she shows us a lot of beautiful and really cool clothes! 
because, it`s a little fashion blog :)))

And of course we ALL have our favorit clothes that she showt us! ME TO!
but, i have to say that she is a big example for me. but she is a lot taller than me...
( i`m 1.58 meter )
so, i`m a little girl, haha. that`s why i didn`t like the clothes by me.
I wear a lot of black clothes, because that look it best by me.
so. that`s why i choice my favorit clothes of Ann-Kathrin, her black clothes that she shows us ;)

i really like it! and btw, sorry for the bad pictures. can`t upload the pictures in a normal way, so i had to do it like this! it really sucks! What do you think of the clothes?

love, TrinaBNL

dinsdag 24 mei 2011

my opinion about "to the EMP Fotoshooting"

Hellow! :D
And what do you think about my blog? :)))

but anyway,,,,
Do you remember Ann-Kathrin`s first blog?
Yes? OK! i will give my opinion about it!

She told there that she will write that blog everytime in German! 
some people didn`t like that and didn`t saw the translator next to the post! But i think that was a really good idea! she is a good English speaker but, you will always be better in your own language!! :))
so, in this way we can understand her more, and she can say things better in her own words and stuff ;)
but i will do it in English, because i really have to work on that language and love to write in English, and still can't find that Google Translator that Trina used! HAHA! *a shamed*

but about the shooting, it was her third EMP shooting with some dark make-up and HUGE hair...
with photoshootings, i like dark make-up and "huge" hair.
it`s something that you didn`t have in your private life, when you just going out with friends or family. Because, than i like it when you are just naturel! and not with a lot of make-up. but i LOVE it when you have a shooting ;)

sorry people, i can`t get a picture in this blog post...
i really don`t why. that sucks! maybe i will put the picture later in another blog ;)

love, TrinaBNL

maandag 23 mei 2011

Picture of the week!

"Picture of the week"  
I will every week put here and at Twitter the picture of the week!
a picture that i like it most, and of course why i like that picture SO much!
but YOU can choice the picture of the week to!!!!
just send the picture that you like to me!:

just at Twitter:

or to my Gmail:

and maybe your favorit picture will be the picture of the week!
Just send it to me and say what you like about it! :)))

The picture of the week: Week 21

I don't like this picture, but i LOVE this picture. You can see that she love her AMAZING dog!!!
And her white dress is really cool and really sunny,
i love it with her little brown skin.
and her make-up is just naturel, like that with that dress.
Don't like much make-up when you wearing a sunny white dress, 
just being naturel at the summer ;) !

LOVE, trinaBNL

First blog!

FINALLY DONE!!!!! with creating my blog! :)))

I deleted my myspace support account of Ann-Kathrin, because i don`t like 'Myspace" anymore! and i like it more to write things about her, news, my opinion about her blogs/ pictures! and of course some news and stuff! just everything about Ann-Kathrin, trying to write new blogs everyday! but of course i have a privé life! and i work everyday! so maybe not everyday, but of course i will do my best for it! ;)

I will show on every blog a picture of Trina. And i have every week a picture of the week! You hear more later ;)

love, TrinaBNL